Recognise Your Strengths Trips

March was pretty intense! Behind us are this year’s first Recognise Your Strengths trips for our charges from Warsaw and Łódź. This is often a crucial time in our work with kids.

Every one of our new charges takes part in the trip. It is three days filled with workshops that allow the group to integrate with each other and with the educators. Trust and attentiveness are developed, which, during the activities and exercises, is essential for achieving the goal of the trip. What is that goal?

Our goal: Get to know yourself!

Dojrzewanie to trudny okres dla każdego młodego człowieka. Kiedy trafiasz do domu dziecka, wyzwań Adolescence is a difficult time for any young person. When you find yourself in an orphanage, the challenges increase. You have a lot of questions, but there are no answers and no knowledge of what you are good at, what the future may bring.

Therefore, on the trips, each of our charges is expected to get to know themselves better. Many times to take such a close look at their personality for the first time. They can discover their potentials and talents in order to start developing them.

A variety of approaches

Each charge starts the trip with a different attitude. Some are eager to go right from the start, while others approach it with reserve. 

To some, doing the tasks they do in the workshops appeals immediately, others see them as school tests and exams. It is only when it becomes apparent that THEY are the subject of each question that they begin to engage.

Some people enjoy working in a group and actively participate in them. Others, on the other hand, need a more individual approach to gradually integrate into group activities.

It is very important to us to create a space that is adjusted to the different needs of our kids. The flexible approach of the leaders allows each participant to get the most out of this trip.

A space for everyone 

In an atmosphere open to conversation and honesty, young people begin to feel safe and open up to us.

This leads to the most delightful moments. Kids begin to see their worth and believe in it. There is a sparkle in their eyes where delight and emotion combine. 

These are the moments when they start to believe that they can really ‘spread their wings’. That with their hard work they will be able to change their lives because they have the right tools within them.

I am great. And I have it on paper!

After the trip, each participant gets a full report from us, in which they can read out what they are great at, what characterises them and how they can continue to work to develop effectively. It happens to be the first time a young person has learned so much good about themselves.

The results of the trip give space for further work at the Foundation in subsequent workshops or in individual work with the independence assistant. They are also useful for school, institution and future work.

After the trip, each charge begins their journey, which they will travel at their own pace. We will always support them, accompany them and motivate them to keep going and to boldly pursue their goals and dreams. Because now that they know their strengths, it seems possible for them!


Trips for charges from Warsaw are made possible thanks to funding from the Capital City of Warsaw.

Zakochaj się w Warszawie

Trips for charges from Łódź take place within the framework of the project “Dobry Początek” (“Good Beginning”) co-financed by the European Union as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Łódzkie Voivodeship 2014 – 2020.

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