The Happy Way Foundation in partnership with the City Social Centre in Lodz and Robinson Crusoe Foundation is implementing the project entitled “Good Beginning” co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Programme of the Lodz Voivodeship 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis IX Social Inclusion, Measure IX.1 Active Integration of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, social and professional activation of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
The project is aimed at 470 foster care graduates from the Lodz Foster Care. The aim of the project is social-vocational activation of 470 (197K, 273M) foster care wards from Lodz who become independent or are preparing for the process of becoming independent.
The goal will be achieved in the period until 31.12.2022 through covering each participant with the reintegration path with the use of instruments of social, professional and educational activation, prepared on the basis of a diagnosis of the problem situation, resources, potential, predispositions and needs.
Activities implemented in the project will prevent marginalization and exclusion of the project participant from social life, through preparation to proper performance of social roles, including employee and parent roles. They will facilitate the project participant’s start in adult life, including preparing them to search for, take up and maintain employment.
Project implementation period: 1 June 2020. – 31 May 2023.
Total project value: PLN 3,531,332.60
EU co-financing of the project: 3 001 482, 60 zł
Łódzkie Regional Operational Programme 2014 – 2020
Axis IX: Social inclusion
Measure IX.1: Active inclusion of persons threatened by poverty or social exclusion.
Sub-measure IX.1.1: Social and professional activation of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion
Support within the project “Good Beginnings”:
January 2021
14.01 Budget part 4
15.01 The ABC of independence part 1
16.01 The ABC of independence part 2
23.01 Health part 1
30.01 Health part 2
March 2021
06.03 My first job part 1
20.03 My first job part 2
27.03 The good side of the Internet part 1
April 2021
10.04. – Social skills training – conflicts and stress
17.04. – Social skills training – assertiveness
24.04 – The good side of the Internet – part 2
May 2021
June-August 2021
No action, implementation will resume in September 2021
September 2021
11.09. “Integration”
09.10. “Social Skill Training part 1”.
23.10. “Social Skills Training part 2”
30.10. “Social Skills Training part 3”
06.11. “Social Skill Training part 4”
13.11. “Economic education part 1”
20.11. “Economic education part 2”
27.11. “Economic education part 3″December
04.12. “Economic Education Part 3”
January 2022
07.01. “Economic Education” part 4.
08.01. “Health” part 1.
15.01. “Health” part 2.
22.01. “Savior Vivre” part 1.
29.01. “Savior Vivre” part 2.
February 2022
05.02. “Safe Internet” part 1
12.02. “Safer Internet” part 2
19.02. “ABC of self-empowerment” part 1
26.02. “ABC of self-reliance” part 2
March 2022
12.03. “My first job part 1.”
19.03. “My first job part 2.”
April 2022
07.04. “Programming”
May 2022
14.05. “Culinary workshop part 1.”
21.05. “Culinary workshop part 2.”
June 2022
There were no workshops planned for June. The next workshop scheduled for July 2022.
July 2022
No workshops were held in July
August 2022
Skills Academy workshops were not held in August due to vacations.
September 2022
Group workshops in September were not held.
October 2022
Social Skills Training Parts 1,2,3,4 were held in the month of October 2022.
November 2022
In November, the workshop “Health” part 1 – 12.11.2022 and part 2 on 19.11.2022 were held.
December 2022
Savoir Vivre part 1 group workshop was held on 03.12.2022.
January 2023
07.01.2023 – Savoir Vivre part 2 group workshop
14.01.2023 – ABC of Independence part I.
21.01.2023 – ABC of Independence part II.
23.01.2023 – the Good side of the Internet part I.
28.01.2023 – the Good Side of the Internet part II.
February 2023
25.02.2023 – My first job
March 2023
03.03.2023 – Social Skills Training part I.
04.03.2023 – Programming part I.
10.03.2023 – Social Competence Training part II.
11.03.2023 – Programming part II.
17.03.2023 – Culinary Workshop.
18.03.2023 – Social Skills Training part III.
24.03.2023 – Social Competence Training part IV.
25.03.2023 – Health workshop.
Psychological Therapy
Until March 2021
takes place every Tuesday from 12 pm to 8 pm and on the last Friday of the month from 2 pm to 6 pm on the premises of the Gymnasium Szczęśliwej Drogi in Łódź (ul. Wschodnia 69 lok 2 U Łódź).
Change of therapy dates in April 2021:
06.04 from 12 – 20 pm
13.04. from 12.00 pm to 8.00 pm
16.04. 12.00 pm – 6.00 pm
20.04. from 12.00 pm to 8.00 pm
23.04. from 12.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Meeting dates in June 2021
Meeting dates in July 2021
Meeting dates in August 2021
Meeting dates in September 2021
Meeting dates in October
Meeting dates in November
Meeting dates in December: 07.12, 14.12, 21.12, 28.12
January 2022
In January, meetings will be held on days designated by the new psychologist (long-term absence).
February 2022
In February, meetings will be held on the days indicated by the new psychologist (long-term absence).
March 2022
April 2022
May 2022
Meetings with a psychologist will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Road Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U Street, Lodz) on the following dates:
June 2022
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00,at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz). Meetings will be held on:
July 2022
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00, at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz).In July, meetings will be held on:
August 2022
Meetings with a psychologist will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz) on the following dates:
September 2022
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00,at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U Street, Lodz). In September, psychological therapy was held on the following days:
October 2022
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00, at the Happy Road Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz).In October, meetings will be held on: 03, 13, 17, 18, 24, 25 October 2022.
November 2022
Meetings with a psychologist will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz) on the following dates: November 07, 10, 17, 21, 24, 2022.
December 2022
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00,at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz).
In December 2022, psychological therapy was held on the following days: 08, 12, 14, 15, 19 December 2022.
January 2023
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00,at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz). In January 2023, psychological therapy was held on the following days: January 10, 11,16, 18, 23, 2023.
February 2023
Meetings with a psychologist are held every Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00, at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz). In February, meetings will be held on 06, 13, 20, 27 February 2023.
March 2023
Meetings with a psychologist will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz) on the following dates: March 06, 13, 20, 2023.
April 2023
Meetings with a psychologist will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 on the premises of the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz) on the following dates: 03.04.2023: 12:00 – 20:00, 17.04.2023: 15:00 – 17:00.
May 2023
Meetings with a psychologist will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Road Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz) on the following dates: 08.05.2023: 14:00 – 19:00, 15.04.2023: 15:00 – 20:00.
August 2023
Meetings with a psychologist are held from 12:00 – 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz)
September 2023
Meetings with a psychologist are held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz)
October 2023
Meetings with a psychologist are held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz)
November 2023
Meetings with a psychologist are held from 12:00 to 20:00 at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz)
Addiction therapy (group and individual)
Until March 2021
Meetings take place every Wednesday from 12pm to 8pm (69 Wschodnia Street, 2 U Łódź).
April 2021
Meetings with the therapist take place every Wednesday between 12pm and 8pm, and (Wschodnia 69 lok. 2 U Łódź).
Group meetings take place at the Happy Way Gym in Łódź (Wschodnia 69 lok 2 U Łódź) on designated Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm.
May 2021
takes place every Tuesday between 12pm and 8pm (Wschodnia 69 lok 2 U Łódź)
June 2021, meeting dates:
July 2021, meeting dates:
August 2021, meeting dates:
September 2021
Classes not held due to lack of therapist. Waiting for referral of new specialist to resume classes.
October 2021:
November 2021
December 2021
two dates to be agreed for holidays 24.12 and 31.12
January 2022
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
Individual meetings with the therapist are held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 15:00-19:00, at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz). Individual therapy classes will be held on the following days:
May 2022
Individual meetings with a therapist in the month of May 2022 were not held due to the resignation of the Contractor providing addiction therapy. Classes will resume once a new therapist is selected.
June 2022
Meetings with an addiction therapist were not held during the month of June.
July 2022
Addiction therapy (individual and group) did not take place during July 2022.
August 2022
Individual and group meetings of addiction therapy did not take place due to vacations. Classes will resume after the vacations.
September 2022
Individual meetings with a therapist are held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 15:00-19:00, at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz). Individual therapy classes are held on the following days:
06.09. 22
08.09. 22
15.09. 22
20.09. 22
27.09. 22
October 2022
Meetings with an addiction therapist were held on the following dates: 04, 06, 11, 13, 18, 25 October 2022 (individual).
Group therapy was not provided in October 2022.
November 2022
Meetings with an addiction therapist will be held on the following dates: November 08, 10, 29, 2022 (individual).
Group meetings were not held in November 2022.
December 2022
Individual meetings with a therapist are held on Wednesdays and Fridays from15:00-19:00, at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz).
Individual therapy classes are held on the following days: 01, 06, 13, 15, 22, 27, 29 December 2022.
January 2023
Individual meetings with a therapist are held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 15:00-19:00, at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz). Individual therapy classes are held on the following days: 03, 05, 10, 12, 17, 24, 31 January 2023.
February 2023
Meetings with an addiction therapist were held on the following dates: 02, 07, 14, 16, 21, 28 February 2023 (individual).
Group therapy was not provided in February 2023.
March 2023
Meetings with an addiction therapist will be held on the following dates: 02, 07, 14, 21, 23, 28, 30 March 2023 (individual).
Group meetings will be held March 2023 on the following dates: March 02,09,16,23, 2023.
April 2023
Meetings with an addiction therapist will be held on the following dates: 04, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25.04.2023
Group meetings will be held April 2023 on the following dates: 06, 20, 27.04.2023r.
May 2023
Meetings with an addiction therapist will be held on the following dates: 09, 11, 16, 18, 23, 30.05.2023r.
Group meetings will be held in May 2023 on the dates: 04, 23, 25, 30.05.2023r.
October 2023
One-on-one meetings with an addiction psychotherapist are held from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Happy Way Gym (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U, Lodz)
November 2023
Individual meetings with an addiction psychotherapist are held from 12:00 to 20:00 on the premises of the Gym of the Happy Way (Wschodnia 69 lok 2U street, Lodz)
30.01.2021 – Meeting 4 – “Boundaries – why they are so important and how to skillfully put them”.
27.02.2021 – Meeting 5 – “Feelings – how to show them and deal with them”.
20.03.2021 – Meeting 6 – “Feelings cont. – How to show them and cope with them”.
30.04.2021 – Meeting 7 – Punishments and consequences, how to distinguish? Negative impact of using punishments.
29.05.2021 – Meeting 8 – Penalties versus consequences, how to distinguish? Negative impact of using punishments. Part 2
29.06.2021 – Meeting 9 – Playing with the child, elements of sensory integration.
08.07.2021 – Meeting 10 – Home – a roof over the head or a safe haven?
28.08.2021 – Meeting 11 – Adaptation action – how to prepare a child for a nursery/preschool
25.09.2021 – Meeting 12 – The adaptation action cont. – group play skills
30.10.2021 – Meeting 13 – Helpful praise and encouragement.
The scheduled date of the classes will be communicated as soon as the instructors are selected.
Classes shall resume from March 2022. The date of the first class has been set for 26.03.2022.
Meeting scheduled for 25.04.2022.
Meeting scheduled for 25.05.2022 (2h).
Meeting scheduled for 28.06.2022.
A support group for young parents was held on 26.07.2022 from 4 to 8 pm (4h).
The meeting was held on 30.08.2022 from 16-20 at the Happy Way Gym (East 69 lok 2U street, Lodz).
In September, the support group was held on 27.09.2022.
On 29.10.2022 . from 16-20 (4h) was held Support group for young parents
The meeting was held on 26.11.2022 from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Happy Way Gym (East 69 lok 2U Street, Lodz).
In December 2022, the support group was held on 28.12.2022.
In January 2023, the support group was held on 28.01.2023.
In February 2023, the meeting was held on 25.02.2023 from 16-20 (4h).
The meeting was held on 04, 25 March 2023 from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Happy Way Gym (East 69 lok 2U street, Lodz).
In April, the meetings were held on: 22.04.2023 (5h) and 29.04.2023 (5h).
In May, the meetings were held on: 20.05.2023 (5h) and 27.05.2023 (5h).
In November 2023, meetings are held from 12:00 to 20:00 on the premises of the Happy Way Gym (East 69 lok 2U Street, Lodz).
Meetings take place in the premises of the Gymnasium of Szczęśliwska Droga in Łódź (Wschodnia 69 lok 2 U Łódź) on designated Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm.
Classes were held on the following days:
January 2021 | February 2021 | March 2021 | April 2021 | May 2021 | June 2021 |
04.01. | 02. 02 | 05.03 | 07.04 | 12.05 | 18.06 |
05.01. | 05. 02. | 11.03. | 09.04 | 19.05 | 21.06 |
07.01. | 09.02. | 15.03. | 13.04 | 21.05 | 23.06 |
11.01. | 10.02. | 19.03. | 26.04 | 25.05 | 28.06 |
15.01. | 15.02. | 26.03. | 30.04 | 30.06 | |
22.01. | 24.02. | 31.03. | |||
25.01. | 26.02 | ||||
26.01. |
July 2021 | August 2021 | September 2021 | October 2021 | November 2021 | December 2021 |
01.07 | 02.08 | 16.09 | 08.10 | 04.11 | 7.12 |
02.07 | 09.08 | 21.09 | 11.10 | 09.11 | 8.12 |
05.07 | 16.08 | 24.09 | 14.10 | 12.11 | 15.12 |
06.07 | 18.08 | 26.09 | 15.10 | 19.11 | 17.12 |
07.07 | 25.08 | 27.09 | 20.10 | 29.11 | 29.12 |
08.07 | 27.08 | 31.03. | 22.10 | ||
09.07 | |||||
12.07 |
January 2022 | February 2022 | March 2022 | April 2022 | May 2022 | June 2022 |
05.01. | 11. 02 | 02.03 | 11.04 | 06.05 | 03.06 |
07.01. | 16. 02. | 04.03. | 12.04 | 18.05 | 07.06 |
12.01. | 18.02. | 09.03. | 13.04 | 19.05 | 17.06 |
21.01. | 23.02. | 11.03. | 20.04 | 23.05 | 28.06 |
26.01. | 18.03. | 27.04 | 25.05 | 29.06 | |
25.03. | 29.04 | ||||
July 2022 | August 2022 | September 2022 | October 2022 | November 2022 | December 2022 |
05.07 | 03.08 | 09.09 | 03.10 | 03.11 | 07.12 |
06.07 | 04.08 | 12.09 | 10.10 | 04.11 | 08.12 |
07.07 | 05.08 | 16.09 | 13.10 | 10.11 | 15.12 |
12.07 | 08.08 | 23.09 | 20.10 | 17.11 | 16.12 |
19.07 | 09.08 | 26.09 | 25.10 | 18.11 | 21.12 |
20.07 | 10.08 | 28.10 | 25.11 | 22.12 | |
In 2023, Tutoring meetings were held in August (44h), September (44h) and November (43h) from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 20:00 according to the needs of project participants.
11.03.-14.03. 2021 – The workshops took place in the Retreat and Recreation Centre “Dobry Zakątek” ul. Słowackiego 8, 05-510 Konstancin – Jeziorna.
April 2021 – Due to sanitary-epidemiological restrictions in force, it is not possible to carry out the task.
13-16.05.2021 – The workshops took place in “Wiecha” Guesthouse, 22 Gościnna Street, 05-555 Kawęczyn.
June-August 2021 – no off-site workshops
30.09.-03.10.2021 – Off-site group workshops for younger Project Participants took place in “Wiecha” Guesthouse, 22 Gościnna Street, 05-555 Kawęczyn, 8 hours of classes per day.
14.10.-17.10 – group workshops for younger Project Participants took place in “Wiecha” Guesthouse, 22 Gościnna Street, 05-555 Kawęczyn, 8 hours of classes a day.
Next away workshops will take place in June 2022
The workshop planned for April 2022 has been rescheduled for March and will be held on 24-27.03.2022.
In April, there are no planned away group workshops for Project Participants.
In May, the workshop “Know your strengths” is not planned The next workshop has been scheduled for September 2022.
No workshops were planned in June. The next workshop is scheduled for 29.09-02.10.2022.
No workshops were held in the month of July 2022. A workshop is planned at the end of November 2022.
No workshop will be held in August. The next workshop was scheduled for the end of November 2022.
Group workshops for younger Project Participants did not take place in September.
No workshops were held in the month of October 2022. Planned workshops 03-06 November 2022.
The “Know Your Strengths” away workshop was held on 03-06 2022.
Group workshops for younger Project Participants did not take place in December 2022.
Group workshops for younger Project Participants did not take place in January 2023.
Group workshops for younger Project Participants did not take place in February 2023.
Workshops to consolidate the acquired competencies did not take place in February 2023.
Workshops were held on: 13 – 16.04.2023 and 27 – 30.04.2023
In November 2023, away workshops were held on the dates: 09-12.11.2023, 23 – 26.11.2023
Workshops consolidating acquired competencies did not take place in January 2023.
Workshops consolidating acquired competencies did not take place in February 2023.
Workshops consolidating the competencies gained were not held in March 2023.
Workshops were held on: 16 – 20.04.2023, 01 – 05.05.2023, 21 – 25.05.2023, 05 – 07.05.2023, 21 – 25.05.2023
In April 2023 on: 21.04.2023: 16:30 – 20:00, 29.04.2023: 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Culinary workshops were held.
In May 2023 on: 13.05.2023: 10:00 – 13:30 and 27.05.2023: 10:00 – 13:30 culinary workshops were held.
All fields are required.