There are difficult and unpredictable moments at the Happy Way Foundation. Young people leaving orphanages often face the brutality of the surrounding world on their own skin. In such moments one has to act decisively and extend a helping hand to young people.
This is also when the effects of the work of the independence assistants in building relationships based on trust and openness with their charges are most visible.
One of our charges, Miłosz, was recently beaten and robbed. He lost virtually everything, including the keys to his apartment, which he had recently managed to get through social assistance. He had no wallet, no phone, no documents and no money. He was left with nothing in the middle of a crossroads.
Moments after the incident, Milosz instinctively moved toward the Foundation.
We did what we could to help him. He contacted his empowerment assistant and cooled down after such a stressful event. We were then able to work together to get his documents, cards and all banking related passwords frozen. This gave him a little sense of security.
Questions arose: Why is there something wrong in my life again? Why can’t things be normal? Why is this happening to me?
These were difficult conversations between the mentee and the assistant. Miłosz needed support, which he had never received before. We had to take on the role of a parent who would help and show him that the world was not falling apart. Everything can be fixed, you just need someone next to you.
Then everything happened very quickly: the police, the locksmith, applying for new documents. A dozen or so hours later all matters were practically settled. Miłosz will still have many more talks with an independence assistant, in order to work through this event. If necessary, he will also receive psychological help.
Although the stolen items are unlikely to be recovered, the most important thing is that Milosz is safe and sound. It is heartbreaking that he trusted us and knew he could ask us for help in any crisis situation.
Sometimes we find that beautiful and encouraging lessons can come even from such difficult moments.
Project co-financed by the City of Warsaw.
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