In Warsaw, our charges recently took part in a special workshop for mothers from orphanages, focusing on developing practical knowledge of skin care, basic makeup and proper color selection. The purpose of these meetings is not only to impart skills, but also to build self-confidence and awareness of one’s own appearance.
During the skin care class, a specialist shared the secrets of professional skin care, tailoring them to the individual needs of the participants. The makeup workshop focused on enhancing natural beauty, and learning how to choose colors helped participants understand which shades best suit their complexion and style.
Our charges from Lodz together with their children went to an improvised performance “Wymyślanka- an improvised fairy tale” by the IMPRO Comedy Theater in Lodz, during which… it was the youngest spectators who decided what would happen on stage! Toddlers had the opportunity to experience the magic of theater, which not only develops their artistic senses, but also has a positive impact on emotional development.
We sincerely thank all those who support our brave mothers. Thanks to your commitment, they have a chance for a peaceful and happy motherhood, and their little ones – for a carefree childhood!
Our sincere thanks go to Hotel Arche, which organized the workshop and Sylwia Piwowarczyk, who conducted it. The photos were taken by Marcin Kossakowski. We sincerely thank you!
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