Cooking Workshops

Teaching the skills needed to start living independently is one of the Foundation’s core tasks. Fortunately, our Heroes, who have been brought up in orphanages, are eager to take part in the workshops. The cooking classes are particularly popular.

In Łódź, two unique workshops were prepared for our charges by the team of one of the Domino’s Pizza restaurants. The meetings were a combination of learning to cook and, at the same time, the opportunity to learn the secrets of working in a professional kitchen.

Life and career education

For some of the kids, it was a purely life lesson: how to plan work in the kitchen, how to take care of tidiness during (and also after!) cooking and how to handle yeast dough.

Other participants also took away professional inspiration from the workshop. Some are studying at gastronomy schools, while others dream of working as chefs and cooks, and the opportunity to work as a professional pizzaman is a goal they will pursue.

Young people’s goals – the success of us all

Each of our charges has dreams and goals, the realisation of which gives them a chance for a happy personal and professional future.

The success of young people is a great opportunity for all of us. As they enter adulthood, they will begin to change the world around them, and we can benefit from this. So let’s invest in exceptional and strong adolescents, because it’s not just delicious pizza they can give us.

In Łódź, the Foundation’s activities are made possible by the project “Dobry Początek” (“Good Begining”) co-financed by the European Union as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Łódzkie Voivodeship 2014 – 2020.

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