From the very beginning of the Foundation’s existence we want to effectively support young people from orphanages. That is why we rely on expert staff and organize trainings so that each of us can develop and contribute even more to the work with our charges.
Last year we were able to meet in Kawęczyn with the whole team, from Lodz and Warsaw, to train for two days on issues related to exploring young people’s potentials and helping to prepare possible development paths for the future.
These diagnoses are the key of working with a young person who comes to the Foundation, which is why it is so important to do them as well as possible. We were able to test on ourselves the tools that we use when diagnosing our kids. This has allowed us to look at many tasks from a completely different perspective.
There was also time for discussions, which facilitated the introduction to the duties of those who have been with us for a short time, and for those more experienced, enabled them to develop new ways of working with young people. Tasks carried out in groups allowed for the integration of teams from both cities and facilitated the exchange of experiences.
We can already see the positive impact of the training on our daily work with young people, so we recall this time with even more joy.
Activity funded by the Civic Organization Development Program 2018-2030
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