Operating a drone, drawing with charcoal, moving into virtual reality with VR goggles, behind-the-scenes app development…. sound like a lot of fun? That’s what the next edition of Mentoring 2.0 looked like, this time prepared by PwC!

The meeting began with an introduction to the company’s activities. We learned that PwC is engaged in assisting other companies in various fields – including business and technology consulting. After the introduction, the young people were divided into 4 groups so they could learn the ins and outs of working in different departments of the company. We were very curious about what challenges they prepared for us!

The first group dealt with drones, which have recently become a very popular working tool in many industries. Thanks to a workshop led by a specialist in this equipment, we learned what types of drones there are, how they are operated and, most importantly, where and under what conditions we can use them. The kids were also interested in information about the license to operate a drone.

The second group developed their creativity in the graphics department, which prepared tasks for us to stimulate our imagination. Among other things, the kids had to draw as many associations as possible related to one word such as “water.” Thanks to the tools prepared by the department, we were able to try different drawing techniques such as drawing with charcoal! We also learned that it’s not always about making something pretty, because when working with clients it’s important that the final result is consistent and tailored to the audience.

The third group worked on performance optimization. Using the example of well-known applications, the youngsters learned how to facilitate the operation of the company and the creation of new projects.

The fourth group learned the ins and outs of supporting an application. We learned that in developing an application it is very important to focus on the customers who will later use it. A good application should be easy to use, useful and functional. While visiting this department, the kids also had the opportunity to see what virtual reality looks like using VR goggles which turned out to be a hit!

At the end, Mr. Marcin Byrt, Partner of PwC, spoke. Our young people listened to an inspiring story about his path to professional success. Thanks to this meeting, they became convinced that it is worth drawing on their experiences, even if something seems to us to be a failure at the moment. Because sometimes from an unfulfilled actor, a great specialist can grow up and fully realize his work! Of course, at the end of the workshop PwC rewarded our talented young people with pizza. There was time to sum up the meeting and exchange impressions.

We would like to thank PwC for the valuable workshop and well-prepared program. Special thanks go to Mr. Marcin Byrt for the inspiring meeting and to Ms. Karolina Radzikowska for her commitment and organization of our visit to PwC. Thanks to such companies, our young people are beginning to believe that they can succeed and do extraordinary things in the future!

About PwC

PwC is an organization that provides professional consulting services and operates in 152 countries. PwC’s goal is to build public trust and respond to the key challenges of the modern world. The company provides clients with the highest quality services in business, technology, tax and legal consulting and auditing. In Poland, PwC has offices in seven cities, as well as a Financial Crime Unit in Gdansk and Warsaw, two Shared Service Centers in Katowice and Opole, and a PwC IT Services unit in Lublin. PwC’s Polish companies employ more than 6,000 people, including nearly 2,000 in technology teams.

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