Our young diamonds!

The end of the year is fast approaching! For us, it’s a time to take stock – a lot of good things happened at our organization this year, we learned a lot and experienced many exciting moments. In today’s post, we would like to share a fantastic project we implemented this year with the support of the Empiria i Wiedza Foundation as part of the InwestorJa program. The project included 3 cycles of workshops for our youth in Lodz and Warsaw.

My goal – the new me!

Have you ever had the feeling that what you are doing does not make sense and that your motivation to act is close to zero? Young people who grow up or leave orphanages often struggle with a sense of lack of purpose, they don’t know their potential, they don’t know what they want to do in their adult life. They also often lack someone to push them and motivate them to change their lives. This is when WE step in!

At the “My goal – the new me” workshop, we showed the kids that they have resources and potential that they can use to achieve THEIR goal! First, we learned how to define a goal so that it would definitely be OURS. Each participant also had the opportunity to discover what talents and competencies they have and what they can use them for. We also worked on building motivation so that it comes from our own need.

“Anyone can speak!”

How to believe in the power of one’s own voice? How to get along with the other person when we are in conflict? How do we find in ourselves the desire to get along?

As part of the project, we also held a workshop called “Everyone can talk!” where we learned how to deal with difficult communication situations. Since we know how important it is to practice, during the meeting young people had to face fictional situations and find solutions to conflicts. Thanks to the workshop, young people not only learned what arguments to use in conversation and how to present them, but also gained self-confidence.

We are very happy when we see that our activities bring results, and young people use the acquired knowledge in practice! We keep our fingers crossed for all project participants, their goals and aspirations!

The project was subsidized by the Empiria i Wiedza Foundation in the ” InwestorJa” program.

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